The groom's etiquette dispels the common belief that traditions are outdated. During a wedding, a series of rituals handed down over time are repeated.

Il galateo dello sposo

The groom's etiquette: 3 tips

1) The groom’s etiquette foresees that the future husband should bring the bouquet as a gift to the bride or deliver it through the mother.

It is considered as the last gift from boyfriends, just before the ceremony.

2) L’uomo non deve mai presentarsi in ritardo in chiesa o in comune, anzi, deve presentarsi con molto anticipo, almeno venti minuti prima per accogliere gli ospiti.

3) Once the bride has arrived, tradition has it that the groom waits for her on the right side of the nave and that he always welcomes her by holding out his hand and helping her to settle down.


Il galateo dello sposo

Photos by Federica Ariemma

